
Mehrdad Varedi

Founder, CEO

Dr. Mehdi Rahimi


Amir Akbari


Koosha Totonchi

Business Adviser

Dr. Arezou Habibirad

Data Science Adviser 

Pantea Nemati

Data Analyst & Project Manager

Mahmood Al-Juboori

Senior Software Developer

Serg Ursa

Marketing Director

Past Projects

City of Kitchener, ON

City of London, ON, Canada

City of Guelph, ON, Canada

Awards & Recognition

$50,000 Award from Ontario Centre of Innovation for Project Demonstration. With the City of London as an Industry Partner and IBM as a Technology Partner (2019-2020)

$50,000 Award from Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks to build a cloud ready application, perform load testing, set up monitoring, and enhancing security of the server under various circumstances. (2020-2021)

Winner of Canada's Top 15, Clean Tech Projects in 2019. 

Partnering with Universities 

Waterlix collaborates with leading universities in Canada, the United States, and Australia to drive innovation and improve water quality for communities around the world. Our projects include remote sensing and water pollution analysis, urban growth and water resource management, and leakage monitoring and demand analysis. We are committed to ensuring that communities have access to clean, reliable water sources as they grow and evolve.

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